Christian Hope Office

The Christian Hope Office was founded in Amman in 2007 by a group of secular individuals with deep faith and a strong commitment to God and the Church. The office plays a significant role in supporting the local church’s social and humanitarian work in coordination with the clergy .. The office is subordinates to the Catholic Church Board of the Holy Land and works under the umbrella and supervision of the Latin Bishop in Jordan

Our programs

The Student Program

The office provide the required financial support for students in need to complete their elementary and secondary school education by enrolling them in Christian schools in Jordan and following up on their progress thereafter


"Our Family” Program

Our mission is to help families face their challenges with the utmost courage and resilience, by tapping into their deep Christian values and faith – and subsequently carrying those values to future generations


Inmates Support Program

The program also offers psychological counseling, social services, and legal assistance to help inmates overcome the ordeal of their sentence and prepare them to reintegrate, to become a productive member of the society


The Consolation Program

This program supports any initiative for children with special needs or from broken families, and care for the elderly. Currently, the program is providing such needed support for the Children's Home of the Lady of the Mountain at Anjara


The “Blessed Be You” Program

This program provides financial and in-kind support for Christian families living in harsh physical conditions. It offers services such as renovating, fixing and furnishing old and damaged homes so families can live with dignity in a healthy and safe environment
